An exciting month in accessibility

Accessibility in gaming is never a dull field to be working in, the pace of change is ever accelerating. So often I find myself thinking what an incredible month it has been, topping anything that has gone before. The past month – mid May to mid June – has been no exception.
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GAAD quotes

Through the course of this year’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day there were all kinds of great things said about accessibility in gaming. These are a few of my favourites. Continue Reading →


Global Accessibility Awareness Day

May 19th’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an an annual event ‘to get people talking, thinking and learning about digital accessibility and users with different disabilities’. It runs across all industries, and this year saw a big increase in the game industry’s involvement. Continue Reading →


GDC16’s accessibility sessions

This year’s GDC Vault (video archive from the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco) is now up, meaning that recordings of several of the accessibility talks are now freely available online. Continue Reading →


Game accessibility at CSUN

GDC16 was a bumper year for accessibility, with a wide range of topics covered and record attendance across the various accessibility sessions.

Next up is CSUN16, which again is looking like a record breaking year. Continue Reading →


Accessibility for motor-impaired gamers in iOS9

iOS9 introduces an accessibility feature called ‘switch recipes’, which overnight make thousands of existing games more accessible to profoundly motor impaired gamers. Continue Reading →


How to do subtitles well – basics and good practices

How subtitles are presented, both visually and structurally, can have a significant impact on a player’s enjoyment of a game. The difference between a good and bad experience is usually down to the same few easily fixable issues. Continue Reading →

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Ways to further accessibility in the games industry

Since I first took an interest in the field I’ve had, as most people working in advocacy do, a mental checklist of the various things that would make a difference. Every sector of the industry has a part to play, so I’m sharing here as a way to spread some ideas to anyone else who has an interest in accessibility advocacy in the games industry.
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