Accessibility at Develop 2018

This year Develop made a specific call for submissions on accessibility and inclusion. The result of that is a record breaking year for Develop, a huge increase in the amount of disability related sessions, covering a wide range of topics.

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Favourite game accessibility quotes of 2017

2017 was yet another bumper year for accessibility, with ever more people saying all kinds of inspiring and thought provoking things about accessibility.

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Game accessibility at CSUN 2018

2018 is again seeing a nice range of game related talks at CSUN, from how-to to case studies to news updates.

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Game accessibility at GDC 2018

A record number of accessibility sessions and events are taking place over the course of GDC week this year, both at the conference itself and at other fringe events.

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Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2017

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an event that takes place in May every year, a day aimed at getting people talking, thinking and learning about digital accessibility.

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The rapidly changing landscape of accessibility for blind gamers

May 18th is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (#GAAD), so as part of that I’d like to shed a little light on some recent advances in the field of accessibility for blind gamers.

Accessibility for blind gamers has been a difficult area for the games industry. And under-served audience who want content, developers who want to offer it, yet often an unnecessary technical barrier between. That is finally starting to change.

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Game accessibility at GDC 2017

A nice selection of sessions and events are taking place over the course of GDC week this year, both at the conference itself and at other fringe events.

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Game accessibility at CSUN17

CSUN16 was a record year for the number of game related sessions, but CSUN17 has upped the game again.

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Game accessibility quotes of 2016

2016 has been a momentous year for accessibility. Not just in the advancements that have been made, but also important because of the things that have been said, and the people who have been saying them. This post is a compilation of some of my favourite accessibility quotes from the year.

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VR & accessibility

Virtual reality brings some fantastic opportunities for people with disabilities. New experiences, therapeutic benefits, even accessibility for people who have better head control than hand control. But it also brings considerable new barriers, with great potential to lock people out from these benefits.

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