Accessibility highlights from Global Game Jam 2014

2014’s Global Game Jam event again saw the inclusion of an accessibility diversifier, resulting in a record breaking 169 games that took the needs of gamers with disabilities into account.
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Accessibility in jams #2: basic guidance in jams of any theme

Following on from the previous post about jams that have a specific accessibility theme, there’s also the other side to it – basic accessibility guidance in jams and competitions that do not have it as a specific theme.
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Accessibility in jams #1: accessibility themed jams and competitions

Taking disabled gamers into account in the context of a contest or a 24/48 hour game jam or hack event can be a daunting prospect, with many different angles that can be taken. I have recently used a common set of starting points as the basis for a few accessibility related events, so I’m sharing it here in case it’s useful for anyone else who is taking on something similar.

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